Tag: play for mental health

  • In this edition of The Business of Being You Newsletter, the focus is on the often underestimated power of play in reconnecting with joy and authenticity. It highlights how as adults, we can lose touch with the carefree nature of play, leading to stress and disconnect. Embracing play can reignite passions, boost creativity, improve work-life balance, enhance mental health, strengthen relationships, and even add authenticity to your brand or career, ultimately contributing to overall well-being and success. The message encourages readers to invest in play as a means of self-discovery and happiness, promising support on the journey to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

    The Magic of Play: Getting Back to You

    Remember those carefree days of childhood when play was an integral part of your daily routine? In childhood we are our authentic selves. The joyful laughter, boundless creativity, and the feeling of being truly alive – that’s the essence of play. As adults, we often lose touch with this vital part of ourselves, leading to stress, burnout, and a sense of disconnect. But what if I told you that embracing play can be the key to not only happiness but also success in your career and financial well-being? Yes! Jump in that mud puddle!

    Play to Inject More of “You”

    Incorporating play into your life and career can be a game-changer. Here’s how:

    1. Reconnect with Your Passions: Play is a gateway to rediscovering your true passions. Whether it’s picking up a long-forgotten hobby or exploring new activities, engaging in play helps you reconnect with what makes you tick. It might even bring back a long lost passion or hobby.

    2. Boost Creativity: Play encourages out-of-the-box thinking. When you let your imagination run wild, you’re more likely to come up with innovative solutions to challenges in your career or business. I actually keep rolling desk toys right in front of me for stress relief. Vroom Vroom, not kidding.

    3. Enhance Work-Life Balance: The divide between work and personal life often blurs in today’s digital age. Play can serve as a boundary, allowing you to switch off from work and recharge, ultimately making you more productive. An absolute necessity these days.

    4. Improve Mental Health: Play is a natural stress-reliever. Engaging in enjoyable activities releases endorphins, reduces anxiety, and fosters a positive outlook on life. Honestly who couldn’t use that??

    5. Strengthen Relationships: Whether it’s playing a sport with friends or participating in a team-building game at work, play strengthens bonds and fosters a sense of community. You are also naturally more confident for being a part of something fun and perhaps challenging.

    6. Unleash Your Brand’s Authenticity: For entrepreneurs and professionals, infusing playfulness into your brand or career can set you apart from the competition. Authenticity and joy are attractive qualities in any endeavor.

    *Play: Physically, Mentally, and Financially Important

    *The benefits of play extend to all aspects of your life:

    *Physically: Play promotes physical well-being by encouraging movement, improving coordination, and boosting overall health.

    *Mentally: Play enhances cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, memory, and creativity, which can lead to personal and professional growth.

    *Financially: Incorporating play into your brand or career can attract new customers, foster innovation, and increase your overall market value.

    As we wrap up this newsletter, I want to leave you with a message: “Work happy by doing what you love, by doing you.” Embrace play as a means to reconnect with yourself, unlock your creativity, and infuse more authenticity into your life and career. You may feel uncomfortable at first but if you really give it a good go, you just might find that you are actually having some fun. We all really need that.

    Remember, play isn’t a distraction; it’s an investment in your well-being and success. So, take that dance class you’ve been eyeing, start that side project you’re passionate about, or simply spend an afternoon exploring your creative hobbies. Your happiness and success are worth it and you are worth investing in!

    I’m here to support you on your journey to a more joyful, fulfilling life. Stay playful, stay true to yourself, and always keep exploring what makes you happy.

    (In next weeks newsletter: Should you do what you love or settle for a job that simply pays the bills?)

    With joy and playfulness,

    Marelle Couture

    *Weekly Shiz Nit: Perhaps your childhood was not one that you can draw happiness from, If that is the case am so very sorry. I would like to suggest a book. It really is the only one I have ever recommended to anyone. It is called ‘The Marilyn Syndrome.’ The exercises in this book are extremely helpful and I feel would benefit anyone suffering from childhood trauma. You can do this I absolutely believe in you! xo